Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the playing level?
A: We will be choosing repertoire in the moderate to challenging range so it is a good idea to at least have 4-5 years of playing experience on your instrument (grade 6 RCM or higher equivalent). The wind and brass sections tend to be more challenging and require the ability to play as a soloist.

Q: Do I have to practice?
A: In general, yes. However, this is an individual decision based on your own abilities as a player. However, the overall outcome of the group performance is dependent on the quality of the playing of individuals. The expectation is that members will practice their parts to ensure they elevate rather than detract from the end result.

Q: Whom do I contact if I wish to join the orchestra?
A: The person to contact would be our conductor, John Palmer email address:musicdirector@orchestrakingston.ca Please refer to our About page to read about membership with the orchestra.

Q: Is there a fee to become a playing member of the orchestra?

A: Yes.  All members are asked to pay a yearly membership fee, which helps cover the costs of our rehearsal and concert venue, our music director, office manager, sheet music rentals, and other expenses. At present, our yearly fee is $200.

Q: How can I help? 

The Orchestra is also looking for volunteer help. If you can help at concerts (front of the house; helping to sell tickets, etc), or with marketing and administrative tasks, we’d love to hear from you. Just email manager@orchestrakingston.caHigh school volunteers are eligible for volunteer hours.