The Orchestra



Since 2008, Orchestra Kingston has been performing concerts that feature a wide range of musical genres, with a special focus on Canadian music.  We often perform in collaboration with other community ensembles and professional soloists.

We provide an opportunity for amateur musicians in the Kingston area to perform orchestral repertoire and develop their skills as musicians in a relaxed but dedicated environment. Under the leadership of a professional music director and section principals, we prepare a four-concert season.

Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings from 5:30 to 7:00 pm, if you are interested in joining our orchestra please contact our Music Director John Palmer (


In 2005, a small chamber group meeting bi-weekly to read through classical works observed that Kingston needed a community orchestra to open up playing opportunities for local amateurs. From those humble beginnings, Orchestra Kingston has grown into a 40+ piece orchestra. Today Orchestra Kingston provides local musicians with the opportunity to perform everything from traditional symphonic masterworks, and holiday music, to newly composed Canadian orchestral repertoire.


Orchestra Kingston offers the public a concert season of high-quality symphonic music, and music education opportunities for amateur, aspiring professional and professional musicians. We prepare four or more concerts per year with a mixture of Classical, Canadian, and shorter repertoire. Through our performances to the residents of Kingston, we enrich the public’s understanding and appreciation for the performing arts while promoting the development of artists within our community. We provide opportunities to other community musical groups and soloists to perform with an orchestra and hire soloists from within the Kingston area. For our members, we provide a comfortable environment in which local amateur musicians can enjoy the experience of belonging and performing in an orchestra.